Si, Congelarlo. Concretamente a -10ºC. Tres investigadores alemanes de la FAU (Friedrich-Alexander University) los que han descubierto como acceder a los datos cifrados de un Android 4.0 (Ice-Cream Sandwich) de esta manera tan peculiar. ¿Os hace un Calipo de Android?
El la [pagina web] podemos encontrar el siguiente extracto:
"We present FROST, a tool set that supports the forensic recovery of scrambled telephones. To this end we perform cold boot attacks against Android smartphones and retrieve disk encryption keys from RAM. We show that cold boot attacks against Android phones are generally possible for the first time, and we perform our attacks practically against Galaxy Nexus devices from Samsung. To break disk encryption, the bootloader must be unlocked before the attack because scrambled user partitions are wiped during unlocking. However, we show that cold boot attacks are more generic and allow to retrieve sensitive information, such as contact lists, visited web sites, and photos, directly from RAM, even though the bootloader is locked."
Os recomiendo y mucho que os paséis por la pagina web para leeros el articulo entero por que vale muchísimo la pena. La verdad es que me imagino a los desarrolladores de Android diciendo: ¿Para que vas a poner eso, nadie lo va a congelar?
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